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ANJ Green Achievement in 2023: From Proper Emas to High Environmental Performance Score

ANJ Green Achievement in 2023: From Proper Emas to High Environmental Performance Score

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Palm oil and agribusiness plantation company, PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk., (ANJT) is committed to provide basic educational access for the children of the workers in their plantations.

Besides, the company is committed to confirm that there would be no forced labor and child worker. The targets are reflected in the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance in 2023 that the government’s policies supported better in health, safety, and environment (HSE) in the company.

“Plantation industries have the risks to the environment. But rating CDP institution delivered us low risk score or 5,4 added by 23. This managed us as the first rank in agriculture and food industries globally from the company’s governance,” Business Development and Investor Relations. PT Austindo Nusantara Jaya Tbk., Arisnal Marajo said in a public expose that InfoSAWIT attended, Wednesday (5/6/2024).

From its governance, the company was in the highest level with ESG score up to 100,27, which became the top pot score or environmental transparency in 2023. But in the 2023 CDP transparency, the indicators decreased to the 2022.

“The achievement was better than it in other companies. In water and forest structures, we successfully maintain the good score,” Arisnal said.

Arisnal continued that in 2023, the company successfully maintained Proper Emas for its two subsidiaries - PT SMM for fourth times in a row in North Sumatera. “This confirmed us as the only one palm oil plantation company in Indonesia that got Proper Emas from Ministry of Environment and Forestry,” Arisnal said.

The other two subsidiaries - PT Kayung Agro Lestari in West Kalimantan and PT ANJ Siais in North Sumatera successfully maintain Proper Hijau for the second time. (T2)