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May 2024 Decreasing Farmers’ Exchange Rate: Palm Oil and Corn as the Main Commodities

Doc. InfoSAWIT
May 2024 Decreasing Farmers’ Exchange Rate: Palm Oil and Corn as the Main Commodities

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Farmers’ Exchange Rate (FER) in May 2024 got decreased 0,06% to be 116,71 to April 2024. It was the same with the decreasing farmers’ received price index (FRPI) that was 141,55 or decreased 0,16%.

Some commodities that contributed to the decreasing FRPI were palm oil, corn, grain, and cayenne pepper. The decreasing prices of the commodities had something to do with the farmers’ income, that was reflected by the decreasing received price index.

As in the official press conference of Central Bureau of Statistic (CBS), farmers’ paid price index did decrease 0,10% to be 121,28. Some commodities that contributed were tomator, vegetable, cayenne pepper, and hen meat. The decreasing price of the commodities had something to do with the cost the farmers should pay to purchase goods and services that they needed in their agricultural activities.

On the other hand, people’s plantation plants showed the increasing factors, FER in the sub sector in April reached 145,02 and increased 0,33% in May to be 145,50. It showed that the farmers’ income in the sub sector got increased, though some other sectors got decreased. (T2)