InfoSAWIT, MAKASSAR – The investigators of Balai Pengamanan dan Penegakan Hukum Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Wilayah Sulawesi (Balai Gakkum KLHK Wilayah Sulawesi) handed over the suspect that destroyed natural sanctuary - Faruhumpenai for the public prosecutors of East Luwu Attorney. The suspects IL (49) and ED (43) were handed over to get further investigation after their pre-trial was denied by Malili Court.
The case started from the report from Balai Besar KSDA South Sulawesi that found some new plantings to be palm oil plantations around Natural Sanctuary Faruhumpenai. In the response to the report, Balai Gakkum KLHK in Sulawesi conducted operation and successfully secured one unit excavator and one machine saw. The team decided IL and ED as the suspects for being in charge in the field.
After the case got more investigation, it was found that the modal owner and rented the excavator was FS (45). The palm oil plantation owners (to be) were IW and RB. The two were decided as the suspects. The files of FS had been handed over to the Attorney of South Sulawesi. He is now arrested in prison room of South Sulawesi Police Department. IW and RB are wanted for not attending the call of the investigators.
In the pre=trial in Malili Court, the Judge, Ardy Dwi Cahyono, S.H., sentenced that IL and ED were the suspects by the investigators of Balai Gakkum KLHK and had been the same with the available procedures. In his sentences, the judge claimed, the exception of the suspects could not be accepted buy rejected the pre-trial in a whole.
Head of Balai Gakkum KLHK Wilayah Sulawesi, Aswin Bangun appreciated the parties that supported to deal with the case, such, South Sulawesi Police Department, The Attorney, The Army, and BBKSDA South Sulawesi. "We do hope the sentence would deliver deterrent effect for every suspect. We would develop the case to find out other suspects in damaging Natural Sanctuary Faruhumpenai," he said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Wednesday (5/6/2024).
Head of Balai Besar KSDA South Sulawesi, Jusman thanked for the case. “As the institution being in charge around Natural Sanctuary Faruhumpenai, we would be always in synergy with legal enforcement of KLHK, the Army and Police, regional governments, and the villagers to maintain the forests and conservation areas good in South Sulawesi,” he said.
Aswin Bangun emphasized the institution is committed to maintain the natural conservation and protect the rights of villagers. “We have conducted 2.130 operations to secure the environment and forests and handed over 1.529 environmental and forestry cases to the court. We are serious to maintain the environment good for the next generations,” he emphasized. (T2)