InfoSAWIT, CENTRAL BANGKA – Governor in duty of Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, Syafrizal ZA delivered announcement that palm oil mill that belongs to tin corruption suspect can operate and purchase fresh fruit bunch (FFB) from the local smallholders.
“I did coordinate with Special Crime in the Great Attorney and the conclusion was that the account of mill owner of palm oil the company was blocked,” Syafrizal ZA said when facing the peaceful demonstration of smallholders in Pangkalpinang, Monday.
He also said to solve the impacts to unoperated companies that tin corruption suspect owned, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung Province would get coordination meeting with other leaders in Regency of Central Bangka.
He continued, the two suspects in tin corruption have been arrested in the Great Attorney for they were suspected to get involved in tin governance mega corruption in Kepulauan Bangka Belitung.
"We would facilitate that the two companies could be operating again because the related institutions blocked the owners’ accounts, not the companies’ accounts. It means, the mill can operate and the smallholders should sell their FFB to the mill,” Syafrizal said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from Antara, Tuesday (4/6/2024).
The coordinator of the demonstration from Central Bangka and South Bangka, Ruben Alparobi hoped that the governments and the Great Attorney would deliver the best solution for what the smallholders are facing for they could not sell their FFB in the past two months.
“The smallholders are in difficulty for they could not sell their FFB to the company/mill because of tin corruption case,” he said. (T2)