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Some Smallholders’ Associations Discussed CPO Trade Transparency with PT KPBN

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Some smallholders’ associations met PT KPBN to discuss CPO trade transparently.
Some Smallholders’ Associations Discussed CPO Trade Transparency with PT KPBN

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Some smallholders’ associations, such as Perkumpulan Organisasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia Jaya (POPSI), Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Apkasindo) Perjuangan, and Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) met with PT Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (PT KPBN) to discuss physical trade of crude palm oil (CPO) in PT KPBN (Inacom).

For all these years, PT KPBN did daily CPO tender that reached 80 to 100 thousand tons per month and the buyers were national scale big palm oil companies.

Head of Exchange and Business Development, PT KPBN, Andrial Saputra said that CPO trade was running in two ways, such as, business to business (B to B) and tender at KPBN. "Of the total 2,9 million tons CPO that PTPN produced, about 40 percent was sold by tender,” he said at the office of KPBN, Jakarta that InfoSAWIT joined, Friday (31/5/2024).

Andrial emphasized every trade at the company was in tender and the buyers purchased based on every available bid. “Eventually CPO price was established by the tender. It always happens per day and the buyers are clear,” he said.

Chairman of POPSI, Pahala Sibuea said that there was stigma that KPBN was not transparent. By knowing the information from the company, the smallholders now understand that CPO tender at KPBN is market mechanism, based on supply and demands.

"KPBN was negative in the smallholders’ opinion. We are very lucky to get the information from KPBN directly. This would confirm the wrong assumption for all these years,” he said.

The meeting should also improve the smallholders’ perception about CPO trade mechanism and transparency at KPBN and escalate the smallholders’ trust to the markets. (T2)