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Ministry of Agriculture Delivered 300 Palm Oil HR Scholarship in South Sulawesi

Special doc./Ministry of Agriculture about to hand over regular helps in South Sulawesi
Ministry of Agriculture Delivered 300 Palm Oil HR Scholarship in South Sulawesi

InfoSAWIT, MAKASSAR – Ministry of Agriculture handed over 300 palm oil scholarships in developing the 2024 Sumber Daya Manusia Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (SDMPKS) for the graduate from high schools in South Sulawesi. The scholarship would be about to continue their study in diploma (D) 4 or undergraduate degree, namely for those who get involved in palm oil industries directly.

The Governor in duty of South Sulawesi, Prof. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh really apprecaited the initiative. "Thank you for the 300 scholarships for undergraduate and D4 degree for our boys that graduated from high schools in this province,” Prof. Zudan said before 2.000 participants attending the ceremony of Pelepasan Bantuan Bencana Alam dan Alsintan by Minister of Agriculture, Amran Sulaiman in the yard of South Sulawesi Governor Office, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of South Sulawesi, Wednesday (29/5/2024).

Prof. Zudan also reminded the regents to maximize the scholarship quota. “Once again, dear sirs, the regent, use maximally the 300 scholarship quotas. Hopefully, you would,” he hoped.

The scholarship would be part of the government’s commitment to develop qualified human resource (HR) in palm oil sector in Indonesia.

General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alam Syah emphasized that the scholarship would be about to create superior HR in palm oil sectors.

“This is the evidence of government’s commitment to develop qualified HR in palm oil sectors in Indonesia,” he said.

The educational program should create the best graduate that would reinforce Indonesia’s palm oil industries to develop sustainably and deliver social, and economic advantages for the people of Indonesia. (T2)