InfoSAWIT, NORTH ACEH – Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) North Aceh did socialization for 30 participants that graduated administration selection to get the 2024 palm oil human resource (HR) scholarship. It was running in the office of SPKS North Aceh. Chairman of SPKS North Aceh, Abubakar AR was the tutor.
He delivered important massage for the participants to really study and prepare themselves in interview selection. It was the final phase to get the scholarship from General Directorate of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture Indonesian Republic.
“You have to be optimist, my friends. You can pass the interview process from the committee on 3 June - 4 July 2024," Abubakar said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Tuesday (28/5/2024).
He also mentioned the free fund to get study was deriving from fresh fruit bunch (FFB) trade that Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) managed. He also emphasized it would be very significant to take the opportunity as part of the seriousness of the government to help smallholders, including through scholarship.
“You have to get the fund because the government is seriously helping the smallholders, including in this school program. My friends, you have to know and understand, to realize sustainable palm oil plantations, the central government published regulations since 2015. One of them was President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019. Though it was not clearly written about palm oil human resource scholarship, we have to know that to realize sustainable palm oil plantations in Indonesia from upstream to downstream sectors, it needs realiable human resources,” Abubakar said.
Abubakar continued the young generations should have the confidence and optimism to pass the selection and study in the university. SPKS would always be ready to support the government’s program in Rencana Aksi Nasional Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB) that the regency conducted on 8 May 2024.
"SPKS North Aceh would keep encouraging so that you would pass the interview selection. We would do our best so that everyone of you pass it and study in the campuses where Ministry of Agriculture selected. For all these years, as long as I know, there were few smallholders’ children who wanted to get the program. We did socialization for them to the villages this year. If it is possible, North Aceh should get the priority to graduate the participants from General Directorate of Pantation. Insya Allah, we would do the best for independent smallholders in Aceh,” he said.
By the socialization, it is hoped the participants would prepare themselves well to face the interview and would eventually get higher education from the scholarship to realize sustainability in palm oil sectors in this country. (T2)