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Indonesia’s Biodiesel Industries Need Certainty of Business

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Indonesia’s Biodiesel Industries Need Certainty of Business

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Palm oil biodiesel production in Indonesia positively showed the good trend until 2023 that reached 13,1 million kiloliters (kl). Of the numbers, 12,2 million kl were distributed, while the exports reached 187.810 kl. This showed that biodiesel mandatory program ran well and positively delivered impacts for biodiesel industries nationally.

Biodiesel mandatory program (mixing diesel to biodiesel) up to 40% or biodiesel 40 (B40) was tested but it still waited for the government’s official decision about kind of biodiesel to be applied for. Would B40 be used with fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) in a whole or the combination between FAME and green diesel (B5)? The consideration should be decided to develop biodiesel industries in this country.

But Asosiasi Produsen Biodiesel Indonesia (Aprobi) is still committed to develop palm oil biodiesel industries by hoping that there would be regulations to support the industries and have to deliver certainty for stakeholders. “We hope the supporting regulation to develop this industry and deliver certainty for stakeholders,” General Secretary of Aprobi, Ernest Gunawan said in the breaking the fast ceremony with journalists in March 2024 that InfoSAWIT joined.

In this political year, Aprobi also hoped that the elected President and Vice President – Prabowo Subianto, namely Gibran Raka Bumingraka should understand biodiesel industries and should encourage there would be better regulations for stakeholders. “We hoped the young vice president could understand the condition of the industries and would publish better regulations. We would support what needs to get highlight, which is, better regulation for stakeholders in this industry,” he said.

Within available challenges and opportunities, biodiesel industries in Indonesia should keep going forward. With many parties’ supports, namely in regulation and policies, it would be the needs to make sure that this industry would positively contribute for the economy nationally. (T2)

Source: Majalah InfoSAWIT, March 2024