InfoSAWIT, SUBULUSSALAM – Wilmar has implemented No Deforestation, Peat and Exploitation (NDPE) Policy for every fresh fruit bunch (FFB) supplier in southern Aceh. This would be the way to support Rawa Singkil Conservation Zone protection as part of the region.
Supplier and Engagement Lead Wilmar, Surya Purnama said that the company implements NDPE in every supply chain of the company, including in southern Aceh. Many have been done, such as, developing and escalating the capacity of the company to implement NDPE and traceability, getting data from smallholders’ plantations, and having engagement with other stakeholders.
“The landscape in southern Aceh is where many independent smallholders cultivate. From the assessment result since 2021 that the company conducted, it needs to develop them to implement good agricultural practices (GAP),” Surya said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Wednesday (22/5/2024).
He also said that the company did approach other relevant parties, such as, FFB suppliers, government’s institutions, local non-government organizations, technical experts, and other multi-forum platforms. One thing that Wilmar conducted was workshop on 15 May 2024 in Subulussalam, Aceh. It was part of having good dialogue and involvement from other stakeholders in the landscape of southern Aceh. Besides Wilmar, the workshop was held by Golden Agri Resources and Musim Mas, as the stakeholders that got suppliers from the landscape.
Until now, Wilmar has developed independent smallholders in some provinces, such as, Riau, Jambi, North Sumatera, and West Kalimantan. “Through Program Petani Swadaya, we would keep cooperating with smallholders as suppliers to get the right ways and escalate plantation practices based on sustainability standards globally and escalate the smallholders’ plantation production,” Surya said.
Meanwhile, Head of Region II, Balai Konservasi Source Daya Alam (BKSDA) Aceh Province, Hadi Sofyan appreciated the collaboration of the company to help the government in realizing the sanctuary protection of Rawa Singkil. The conservation areas that lay on about more than 80 thousand hectares would be the habitat for protected animals, such as, Sumatran tiger, Sumatran orangutan, and kinds of birds.
Rawa Singkil sanctuary is threatened by new plantings for palm oil. The private sectors would significantly play their roles to confirm their supplies and should not be from the region. “BKSDA does its best to protect the region through many activities, such as, the patrol, restoration, and law enforcement.,” Hadi said.
Sustainability Forum Konservasi Leuser (FKL) Coordinator, Hendra Syahrial said that Kawasan Ekosistem Leuser (KEL) is the vastest forest zone in Southeast Asia. It has been declared since 1934 by the people of Aceh. The goal is about to maintain the forests from mining development or logging by the Colonialism. “In a hole, FKL is non-anti-palm oil institution. This institution bans palm oil development in the areas where forest vegetation develops,” Hendra said.
He also thought, palm oil development in forest vegetation would make the loss of forest canopy, threaten natural diversity. Besides, it would make flood and the loss of clean water for the people. “This would be the loss for us and our grand children in the future,” he said. (T2)