InfoSAWIT, SEMARANG – In the first quarter of 2024 would be the moment for Vocational Study Program, Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP) for successfully getting prestige through Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit (SDMPKS) scholarship.
It was from the cooperation between Sekolah Vokasi (SV) UNDIP and General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture through Sarjana Terapan Teknologi Rekayasa Kimia Industri (TRKI) and Sarjana Terapan Rekayasa Perancangan Mekanik (RPM) Study Program.
Chairman of TRKI Study Program SV UNDIP, Mohamad Endy Julianto said that the success has something to do with program adjustment between SDMPKS and the available curriculum in TRKI. “The curriculum was designed with learning concept in outcome - based education (OBE) and integrated dual system and digitalization teaching factory and would create the alumni which would work in industrial needs, namely in palm oil plantation,” he said, as in the official information to InfoSAWIT, Saturday (20/4/2024).
The scholarship would be supported by Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency and the goal would be about to get competent young generations in palm oil sectors (industries) both nationally and internationally. Every participant to get the selection would be from many backgrounds, starting from the children of smallholders, workers in palm oil plantation industries and business.
Meanwhile, Chairman of RPM SV UNDIP, Sri Utami Handayani did welcome the scholarship program because it would escalate quality of knowledge, skills, and professionalism of the students in palm oil industries.
“The students in RPM would get knowledges about design, operation, tool nursey in plantations and mills to significantly deliver contribution after finishing their study,” she said.
The two study programs are also supported by Dean of SV UNDIP, Prof Budiyono and others. They actively involved in selection process, and presentation in Jakarta, involved in the next meeting that related with SDMPKS scholarship in Bandung.
The initiation of cooperation between SV UNDIP and General Directorate of Plantation reinforced the relationship among instances to support human resource (HR) in palm oil (plantation) sectors.
The presence of speakers from General Directorate of Plantation that was conducted by Himpunan Mahasiswa (HM) TRKI and RPM would be real evidence from the same commitment to escalate labors’ quality in palm oil industries. (T2)