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RSPO Initiative in Indonesia: Accelerate Sustainable Palm Oi Practices and Involve Smallholders and Regional Governments

Doc. InfoSAWIT
RSPO Initiative in Indonesia: Accelerate Sustainable Palm Oi Practices and Involve Smallholders and Regional Governments

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - To encourage sustainable palm oil practices in Indonesia, as a matter of fact, RSPO takes partners and gets collaboration with many parties. The cooperation to realize the sustainable practices also involved (some) regional governments.

For instance, some initiatives were with some districts in Jambi Province to escalate smallholders’ inclusivity through ISPO certification and certified more than 1.100 smallholders.

RSPO was in collaboration with Ministry of Cooperation and Small and Medium Business to make some programs with the goals, to reinforce and develop independent smallholders’ unions.

RSPO encouraged the same certification because it was affordable for smallholders. One example was the landscape in District of Aceh Tamiang were more than 2.500 independent smallholders were parts of the same certification. This enables them to get value supply chain in the globe and get new countries (to sell their products).

In the launching of Sustainable Palm Oil Development Roadmap 2023 – 2045, Aceh Province successfully took 2.500 independent smallholders from the province to get RSPO and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificate in 2023.

In his speech, Governor in duty of Aceh, Achmad Marzuki which was read by Regional Secretary of Aceh Province, Bustami Hamzah told, Aceh Province formulated Sustainable Palm Oil Development Roadmap in 2023 - 2045. The vision would be sustainable palm oil is as the pillar of open economy to escalate the welfare of Aceh people.

“Sustainable palm oil demands in the globe would the opportunity for Aceh. It happens for it was the first province in Indonesia as the central palm oil production since 1911. It was in District of Aceh Tamiang within sustainable production model,” he said in the spare time of Roundtable Meeting RSPO (RT2023) by the late of November 2023 that InfoSAWIT attended in Jakarta.

Including the same initiative that was led by GiZ in East Kalimantan Province that got same certification for more than 1.500 smallholders. (T2)

Source: Majalah InfoSAWIT, December 2023