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Here Are SISKA Cluster in South Kalimantan

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/ Implementation of Cattle and Palm Oil Integration in South Kalimantan.
Here Are SISKA Cluster in South Kalimantan

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Through Sistem Integrasi Sapi dan Kelapa Sawit (SISKA) which Indonesia - Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership (IARMCP) supported through SISKA Supporting Program (SSP), some provinces in Indonesia did significant things to publish governor’s regulation in SISKA implementation. This is followed up by formulating SISKA development roadmap, implementation instruction, and business prospectus of SISKA cluster.

One province that stands out in SISKA implementation is South Kalimantan. The province has 22 palm oil – cow integrated program – clusters. The province successfully created ecosystem balance between palm oil plantations and cow breeding. It covers wide grazing land (areas) and highly fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production.

The province from 22 clusters now has 3.590 cows and 30.579 hectares (ha) grazing areas, grass plantations about 1.22,89 hectares. Palm oil plantations are about 6 to 28 years old within FFB production 2.029.033 tons per year.

Team Leader SISKA Supporting Program, Wahyu Darsono said, the clusters are in four regencies. The first in Regency of Barito Kuala where one cluster has had 224 cows. There are 51 males and 173 females. Grazing areas laid on about 2.717 hectares within the average trees at about 13 years old.

The second in Regency of Tabalong. There are two clusters within 217 cows - 69 males and 148 females. Grazing areas are about 4.450 hectares within the average palm oil plantations at 18 - 25 years old.

The third in Regency of Tanah Bumbu. There are 12 clusters within 2.634 cows, The numbers consist of 690 male and 1944 female. Area grazing laid on 12.792,5 hectares and grass plantations about 122,89 hectares within average plantations at about 6 -28 years old and FFB production reached about 21.331,3 tons per year.

The fourth in Regency of Tanah Laut. There are 7 clusters within 515 cows. They consist of 173 males and 342 females. Area grazing laid on about 10.620,2 hectares within palm oil plantations at about 16 - 25 years old and FFB production about 181.572 tons per year.

“Besides the clusters in South Kalimantan Province, SISKA Supporting Program also delivered some supports to develop SISKA model in West Kalimantan Province within 7 clusters; East Kalimantan in 7 clusters, and Riau in 7 clusters,” Wahyu reently said to InfoSAWIT. (T2)

For more, please read Majalah InfoSAWIT, January 2024