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LTKL and KEM: Collaborate to Realize Sustainable MSMB

Special doc./Webbing crafts from palm oil sticks in Regency of Siak
LTKL and KEM: Collaborate to Realize Sustainable MSMB

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – As part of Supernova Ecosystem, LTKL (Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari) reinforced its commitment to develop sustainable economic model in nine regencies the members of LTKL. The main focus is about to develop sustainable economy locally by innovation in environmental and social landscape – base.

The commitment of LTKL to develop sustainable economic model is realized by developing sustainable businesses that prioritize additional value – products from potential commodities in their regencies. It is hoped that by maintaining the forests, peats, and other significant economic ecosystems well, the economy would develop locally and the products from the green businesses would penetrate to many markets in Indonesia.

The big challenges to develop sustainable micro, small, and medium business (MSMB) in the regencies, are the lacks of production fund, human resource capacity, technology transfer, market access, and logistic network. To solve these, LTKL is in collaboration with Supernova Ecosystem and Koalisi Ekonomi Membumi (KEM) by mapping the potential in each regency and supply chain actors based on supply chain concept.

Deputy Head Partnership, Communication and Resource Mobilization LTKL, Vitri Sekarsari said that they have been cooperating with the regencies – the members and multi-party partners to map commodity potential and develop innovative products in natural – base. “This is a must in upstream sector by focusing on agro-forestry, aquaculture, bamboo, coffee, cocoa, coconut, and ecosystem services,” Vitri said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT recently.

Through incubation, innovation and production centers in five regencies of LTKL, more than 193 MSMB have been facilitated to get incubation process to be green MSMB. Of the numbers, about 45 MSMB now get development intensively for about 1 – 2 years to be MSMB that are ready to get investment.

Some MSMB, for instance, Alam Siak Lestari, Pinaloka in Regency of Siak; SSL, and Kalara Borneo successfully gets market access and fund through business matching, business incubation, market research and intensive development.

Vitri continued to facilitate financial access and market in the upstream sector of supply chain, LTKL and KEM are in cooperation with Ministry of Investment/Investment Coordination Agency to launch sustainable investment guidelines. It is about to be the legal business transformation, including MSMB to get more sustainable practices.

Besides, LTKL also cooperates with Asosiasi Pemerintah Kabupaten Seluruh Indonesia (APKASI), Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Lembaga Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang/Jasa Pemerintah (LKPP) to encourage that products produced by sustainable MSMB would be put into e-catalogue and e-procurement.

In the public service and goods procurement, LTKL is now helping two regencies (members of LTKL - Musi Banyu Asin and Sanggau) in piloting with LKPP and Ministry of Internal Affairs to adopt sustainable service and goods procurement that focus on MSMB products in natural – base.

In a whole, as part of KEM, LTKL successfully created stories in nine intervene regencies. Partnership and Communications Manager, KEM, Bryan Citrasena told his hope that the good practices would get expansion to other regencies managed by KEM.

With the target to get open fund for about US$ 200 million for 100 sustainable businesses that connect with 100 regencies, KEM and LTKL would keep cooperating to accelerate transformation heading to more sustainable and inclusive economy. (T2)