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PFMA: ISPO Implementation Would Escalate Sustainability in Palm Oil Industries

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PFMA: ISPO Implementation Would Escalate Sustainability in Palm Oil Industries

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Director of Fund Rising, Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), Sunari emphasized that ISPO is significant as the main identity in Indonesia’s palm oil industries as the sustainable actors.

He also told that it is irrelevant to compare ISPO and RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) or vice versa. "Let us have our identity and be sustainable through Indonesian version (ISPO). We only follow every policy published,” he said in a public discussion and press conference that SPKS conducted on Wednesday (3/4/2024) in Jakarta that InfoSAWIT attended.

Sunari also explained that PFMA delivered fund to get certification through Infrastructure Legalization or Legalisasi Sarana (LS). But the approach changed. PFMA would improve the process by reinforcing smallholders to start ISPO certification process.

His side would keep encouraging the inisiative because ISPO is principally wants to keep developing. “Developing is not only the responsibility of the government. Now we would deliver trainings for smallholders about ‘infrastructure legalization before they would get ISPO (certification process). We would encourage them to adopt ISPO,” he emphasized.

By having the new approach, it is hoped that more smallholders would involve in ISPO certification process and palm oil industries in Indonesia would escalate its sustainability standards and become the main actor in the markets globally that respect sustainability principles. What PFMA would do should accelerate the transformation in Indonesia’s palm oil industries heading to more sustainable and environmental future. (T2)