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CPO Tender at KPBN Inacom Decreased 0,23 Percent on Thursday (28/3), Weekly CPO Price Did Too 0,61 Percent 

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/The office of PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN).
CPO Tender at KPBN Inacom Decreased 0,23 Percent on Thursday (28/3), Weekly CPO Price Did Too 0,61 Percent 

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Crude palm oil (CPO) tender at PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) Inacom was Rp 12.980 /kg on Thursday (28/3/2024). It means it decreased Rp 30/kg or about 0,23% to Wednesday (27/3/2024) tender that was Rp 13.010/kg.

What InfoSAWIT got from KPBN, CPO Franco in Belawan and Dumai was Rp 12.980/Kg. CPO Franco in Talang Duku was Rp 13.830/Kg but in withdraw (WD) with the highest bid Rp 12.780/Kg. CPO Franco in East Kalimantan was Rp 12.580/Kg but in WD with the highest bid Rp 12.000/Kg.

What InfoSAWIT calculated that on 25-29 March 2024, CPO average price got cheaper about Rp 80,95/kg to be Rp 13.101,25/kg or about 0,61% to CPO average price in the previous week (18-22 March 2024) that was Rp. 13.182,20/kg.

Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) told that CPO production in January 2024 increased to the previous month that reached 4.232 thousand tons or increased 5,91% from 3.996 thousand tons in December 2023. Palm kernel oil production also increased about 5,91% from 380 thousand tons in December 2023 to be 402 thousand tons in January 2024.

Here are tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Thursday (28/3/2024):


Franco Dumai Rp. 12.980-PII

Talang Duku Rp. 12.830 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 12.780-PII

East Kalimantan Rp. 12.580 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 12.000-EUP
