InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Head of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office of South Sumatera, Ilham Djaya kept encouraging the villagers to get new innovation that delivers advantages for them. He told that when having coordination with Directorate Patent, Integrated Circuiy Layout Design and Trade Secrete, General Directorate of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Tuesday, 26 March 2024.
Ilham said that there have been some proposals to get patent rights in the province. One of those is about palm oil shell in the form of briquettes as the fuel alternative which is called Briket Zaket as new renewable energy. Unfortunately, the patent rights proposal has been rejected because of lack of available supporting data.
“It needs good cooperation among those that proposed patent rights with related instances to confirm the complete supporting data,” Ilham said in before Director of Patent and Patent, Integrated Circuiy Layout Design and Trade Secrete.
He continued the invention is kind of bioenergy from palm oil shell that used natural adhesive materials. The goal of briquettes production would be as the substitution of fossil fuel use, such as, crude oil, coal for many needs, such as, cooking, heating room and industrial processes.
“Patent rights would be acceptable if it massively contributes to technology development in national scale and fulfill energy needs in environmental ways,” Ilham said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Ministry of Law and Human Rights Office South Sumatera, Thursday (28/3/2024).
The invention should have high calories and used extrusion technology and advanced carbonization. The technology should produce efficient and environmental briquettes without producing dangerous smoke whan it burns. (T2)