InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – The big challenge in palm oil governance improvement in Indonesia needs good cooperation among related institutions and ministries. It was told by Head of Pusat Studi Sawit Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Budi Mulyanto that thought about nowadays complex challenges.
“The big challenges that Indonesia face would need more efficient optimization in palm oil governance. Every sector should cooperate without restricting each sector,” he said, Monday (25/3/2024).
Budi though each ministry and institutin has their own regulation, permit system which are different and based on their responsibility. But the challneges in palm oil governance would not get separated if there is no good coordination among the central and regional governments.
Even though some ministries published norms, standards, guidelines, and criteria about palm oil governance, the implementations might not be fully realized in the region/regency because a perception, regional autonomy. Budy emphasized the it is important to get policy strong connectivity and coordination among related parties.
“To accomplish palm oil (plantation) issues, it needs firmness so that every ministry and instance would not be stuck in their own regulation and should be neutral,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of Ministry of Agriculture, Thursday (28/3/2024).
One thing that Ministry of Agriculture keeps doing is to find the strategic solutions in what palm oil plantations/industries are facing, such as, development reinforcement, available permit mechanism policies.
According to the Laws Number 39 / 2014 about Plantation that was substituted by the Laws Number 6 / 2023, plantation business permit was published by the governor in one region across regency/city and by regent/mayor for one region in regency/city. But if it would be operating in some provinces, the permit should be published by minister(s).
Development and monitoring to plantation business should always continue with the coordination among the central and regional government and through integrated information system, such as, Sistem Informasi Perizinan Perkebunan (Siperibun).
"The good coordination should always exist with the synergy among the central and regional government because the regional governments are the direct actor from every published policy,” Budi said. (T2)