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Plantation Agency Mukomuko: SRP Assumption Investigation in Empty Areas

Foto by Apriliagoverty/Sawitfest 2021/Ilustration of replanting
Plantation Agency Mukomuko: SRP Assumption Investigation in Empty Areas

InfoSAWIT, MUKOMUKO – Plantation Agency Regency of Mukomuko, Bengkulu Province quickly responded the information from the villagers about smallholders replanting program (SRP) in the regency. Head of Plantation, Iwan Cahaya told his commitment to investigate the information particularly SRP assumption in empty areas where palm oil plantations are not many in the Sub districts of Kota Mukomuko.

"We would investigate the information from the groups in Sub district of Kota Mukomuko," he said, as quoted from Antara recently.

The people claimed that SRP was conducted in empty areas in some spots in the region. There were videos about the locations. But Iwan Cahaya told, in the previous verification, SRP would not be fully in empty areas.

Though the videos showed the locations near the riversides, he suspected palm oil plantations developed there but the instance faced access issue to the former plasma plantations because of infrastructure that four wheel – vehicle could not pass through.

To get accurate data, the agency asked the people to deliver data besides video because it did not inform specific location. The agency also asked the information about the land owners and the width.

In SRP, four smallholders’ groups go fund from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency for their trees were unproductive. The fund was for about 759 hectares.

Palm oil plantations in the regency are in Sub district Air Manjuto, Village of Bunga Tanjung, Sub district of Malin Deman, and Sub district of Kota Mukomuko. The fund allocation for the members of the smallholders’ groups is different but the biggest allocation was for KRP Tunas Harapan. (T2)