InfoSAWIT, SURABAYA - Director of Marketing, Holding Perkebunan Nusantara PTPN III (Persero), Dwi Sutoro said though there has been research, it needs to get further deep research before implementing (the result) in wider industrial scale. He thought the industries would not instantly take the research results which are in the form of innovation still because they would be highly risks.
To InfoSAWIT, Dwi Sutoro said that integrating the wheel of innovation and the wheel of industrial development would need concrete things. One reason is that not every innovation could directly be implemented by having 100% successful guarantee. That is why synergy needs good plans between innovation and industries.
Dwi Sutoro also told TRL becomes the phase to develop innovation in industries. The level would be about 1 to 9. The innovation in development is at level 3 – 6. Level 7 – 9 is taken to be worth implemented in industries. This means, it needs agreement between researchers and industries to implement innovation in better levels. (T2)