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Malaysia: Palm Oil Trade Should Get MSPO and Halal Certificates

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Malaysia: Palm Oil Trade Should Get MSPO and Halal Certificates

InfoSAWIT, KUALA LUMPUR - Halal Development Corporation Bhd (HDC) supported the claim of Minister of Plantation and Commodity Malaysia, Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani to regulate the obedience to Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil and halal certificates as the terms and conditions in palm oil trade. HDC told sustainable palm oil practices should be the same with halal standards because it would show the commitment of Malaysia in Islamic and environmental principles.

The synergy between halal and MSPO certificates would represent the big chances for palm oil industries, as Chairman of HDC, Khairul Azwan Harun said. 

“We believe that by promoting sustainability in Malaysia’s palm oil production, we would escalate our position as the advance palm oil product supplier in the world,” he said, as in the official statement, as InfoSAWIT quoted from New Straits Times, Friday (15/3/2024).

Though there would be small fluctuation, palm oil and its derivative product demands within halal certificate would remain well and stable in the market dynamic globally.

In 2022, halal palm oil within about RM 2,79 billion was exported from total palm oil exports that reached RM 59,46 billion.

The countries, such as, India, China, Japan, Korea, Netherland wanted to get halal palm oil materials for many products, including food, cosmetics, and medicines.

In October 2023, HDC and Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) signed memorandum of understanding that described the cooperation and facilitation of collaboration in promotion, information exchange, and chance tracking to get developed particularly in related sustainability and initiatives in palm oil industries and halal.

“To promote our trade abroad, we did observation that there were massive demands on halal certificate palm oil products,” Azwan said. (T2)