InfoSAWIT, KONAWE UTARA – Regency of Konawe Utara emphasized its commitment to support palm oil industries through series of strategic ways to escalate smallholders’ welfare and realize sustainable development.
Regent of Konawe Utara, Ruksamin said, the strategic things initiated to implement smallholders replanting program and escalate palm oil plantation infrastructures. These would be about to escalate plantation productivity and quality of the harvest while improving the plantations in a whole.
The regency also published Circulars of Regent of Konawe Utara Number 525/1277 / 2022 to confirm that SRP would be realized by planting superior and legal seeds. This is critical to escalate the harvest and confirm the sustainability of palm oil industries in the regency.
He also said that the regency allocated palm oil superior and legal seeds through the regional budget as the concrete thing to fully support the material needs and escalate the production and smallholders’ welfare.
The regency did decide fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price as the effort to regulate and maintain price stability in the smallholders’ level. “This is important to encourage smallholders’ welfare and confirm sustainable palm oil industries,” he said in a Dialog Multipihak Sawit Berkelanjutan in Konawe Utara that InfoSAWIT attended by the early of March 2024.
The last is that Konawe Utara is formulating Rencana Aksi Daerah Pembangunan Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan to be the guidelines to implement sustainable policies and programs, and would focus on productivity enhancement, smallholders’ welfare, and environmental conservation.
By these, Regency of Konawe Utara hoped to create more conducive environment to develop sustainable palm oil industries and maximally deliver advantages for the local. (T2)