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SPKS, Oxfam, and Konawe Utara Encouraged Sustainable Palm Oil Action Plans

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Multi-party dialogue about Rencana Aksi Sawit Berkelanjutan that SPKS, Oxfam, and Komunitas Teras initiated with Regency of Konawe Utara by the early of March 2024.
SPKS, Oxfam, and Konawe Utara Encouraged Sustainable Palm Oil Action Plans

InfoSAWIT, KONAWE UTARA – The urgency to get sustainable and responsible palm oil production in the globe escalates many stakeholders’ awareness, such as, the producers, processors, traders, banks, investors, non-government organizations in environmental conservation, social, and development. The trend is the same with the commitment of Indonesia to realize sustainable development goals (SDGs) in which one of them is to confirm ‘responsible production and consumption’. It is the 12th.

As the biggest and main palm oil producer in the world, Indonesia is hoped to escalate social standards and environmental sustainability. These are significant to confirm that palm oil supply chain would contribute to sustainable development, solve contemporary issues and challenges which still relate to deforestation, irresponsible practices that would deliver impacts for the people particularly smallholders.

That is why, Oxfam Indonesia, Komunitas TERAS, Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit  (SPKS) understood that cooperation would be essential for every party to cooperate in promoting sustainable palm oil chain supply namely the roles of civil organizations that would bridge the public interests and the main actors in the supply chain. It is reflected in the Tujuan 17 TPB: “Partnership for Goal” that needs multi-party initiatives to get significant transformation, develop multi-party cooperation that would be very helpful to accomplish complex issue in palm oil industries for many actors involved.

Through multi-party/stakeholder collaboration, the three have been working in Konawe Utara, Southeast Sulawesi. The collaboration would be about to create policies to encourage sustainable and inclusive supply chain in palm oil industries that would deliver advantages for smallholders, female, young generations in society, mill, companies, investors in big scale.

This is the same with the government’s initiative in Rencana   Aksi Nasional   Kelapa  Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAN-KSB) which is mandated by President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019. RAN KSB consists of five components, the first, data, coordination and infrastructure reinforcement; the second, smallholders’ capacity and capability escalation; the third, environment supervision and cultivation; the fourth, governance improvement and dispute solution; and the fifth, Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certification implementation acceleration (UNDP SPOI; 2022). These plans need acceleration by making rencana aksi daerah kelapa sawit berkelanjutan(RAD KSB) in the regions/province, namely in Regency of Konawe Utara where the program was running.

Chairman of SPKS, Sabarudin, the multi-party forum should be part of sustainable palm oil development and it is important to develop in Regency of Konawe Utara to be always sustainable.

"What the region does should be the sustainability of RAN KSB,” he recently said to InfoSAWIT.

The multi-party cooperation was attended by many smallholders, heads of villages, officials from regency, companies, and non-government organizations. This would be significant to develop palm oil to formulate RAD KSB.

Director in duty of Regional Synchronization of Government Affairs, General Directorate of Regional Development Ministry of Internal Affairs, Gunawan Eko Movianto said sustainable regional development is a need to the follow up of RAN.

"RAN should be multi-party action in the region, such as in Regency of Konawe Utara,” Gunawan said.

Regent of Konawe Utara, Ruksamin said there are lots of regional actions until now. The needs to get sustainable palm oil development should be part of the country’s work to welfare the people of Indonesia.

“Regency of Konawe Utara initiated palm oil development in the region to harmonize with sustainable palm oil development,” Ruksamin said.

The policies in the regions as part of RAD-KSB would be the same efforts to make sustainable palm oil development go forward in Indonesia. (T1)