InfoSAWIT, JAMBI - 235 smallholders from Jambi and West Sumatera Province participated to get training and technical development in partnership that oleh Sub Holding Perkebunan PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III (Persero), PTPN IV PalmCo. conducted, in collaboration with Asosiasi Petani Kelapa Sawit Inti Rakyat (Aspekpir).
It was about to get smallholders replanting program (SRP) in partnership system by proposing the them 'Pemberdayaan Petani Melalui Peremajaan Sawit Rakyat Kolaborasi dan Berkelanjutan’. It was running in Jambi Province, Wednesday (6/3/2024) and was part to support SRP which one of national strategic programs.
Director of Production and Development, Holding PTPN III (Persero), Mahmudi said that PTPN really supported palm oil plantation development in Indoneia through the national strategic program by targeting to escalate crude palm oil (CPO) and palm cooking oil production.
He also told SRP for plasma would help 120 thousand smallholders and their families. As the government’s company, PTPN emphasized that the focus would be not only getting profits but also be the agent of development to accelerate SRP.
“SRP is the mandate in national strategic program that should be realized by the collaboration among the government, the company, and smallholders. The establishment of PTPN IV PalmCo in December 2023 would accelerate SRP,” Mahmudi said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Friday (8/3/2024).
Meanwhile, Governor of Jambi, Al Haris did appreciate the program that Director of PTPN IV PalmCo, Jatmiko Santosa and Aspekpir initiated. Haris told the province fully supported the program that was successfully realized in Riau Province, and the same thing happens in Kalimantan.
“Jambi Province supports SRP that is supported by PTPN IV through partneship system. The program would be very useful for the smallholders particularly to escalate their understanding to implement sustainable palm oil practices,” Al Haris said at BW Luxury Hotel, Jambi Province.
He hoped PTPN IV Region 4 Jambi would get partnership with some koperasi unit desa (KUD) that were in cooperation with the company.
“Of 22 KUD, 8 are still in cooperation. It is hoped, the other could get the same with PTPN," Al Haris mentioned.
The event was attended by General Director of Plantation Ministry of Agriculture, Andi Nur Alamsyah; Director of PTPN IV, Jatmiko Santosa, Chairman of Aspekpir, Setyono.
Al Haris also mentioned SRP has big potential in the province and palm oil plantations in Jambi laid about 1,2 million hectares; have borders with Riau and West Sumatera Province.
“But many smallholders cultivate their plantations in many regions. They have different understanding. Some understand, some understand less, some do not,” he said. the technical development would be hoped to escalate their understanding and capability to get superior palm oil seeds, take advantages on their areas, use more productive fertilizers, and do environmental nursery.
Meanwhile Director of PTPN IV PalmCo, Jatmiko Santosa said that the company is part of Holding Perkebunan Nusantara (Persero) that got mandate to revitalize 15.000 hectares old palm oil plantations until 2026.
He thought the program would be the right thing to realize the mandate.
“The presence of General Director of Plantation, Andi Nur Alamsyah and Governor of Jambi, Al Haris showed the full support in SRP in Jambi. Let us take for advantage on technical development to succeed SRP,” Jatmiko said.
He continued, there would be four formula that some provinces implemented in SRP acceleration to be implemented in Jambi and West Sumatera. The four are superior seed procurement, transparent single management, development during SRP through cash for works, and sustainable empowerment.
Andi Nur Alamsyah told that his institution supported SRP by simplifying regulation, terms and conditions that many smallholders faced for all these years.
The new regulation would substitute the old one which was not optimal to regulate palm oil plantation governance in SRP program. (T2)