InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – After being 43 years in business, Indonesian Palm Oil Association (IPOA) gets more mature to face palm oil industrial dynamics. But the challenges never stop. There are lots to get solution to make the industries go forward.
IPOA members are now 733 companies. Pretty impressive numbers. But they are still far from expectation because palm oil companies totally are about 3.000s in Indonesia. Cultivating about 3,7 million hectares, IPOA just realized about 30 percent of palm oil potential in national scale. But there would be positive progresses. It is known from the plan to get new members in Lampung Province. This would also add IPOA branches which now only 15 ones.
“We would do the best to realize sustainable palm oil industries and deliver welfare,” Chairman of IPOA, Eddy Martono said in the 43rd IPOA anniversary that InfoSAWIT attended, Tuesday (27/2/2024).
Though we are facing issues, palm oil industries significantly keep delivering contribution to the revenue. In 2022, the revenue from palm oil sectors reached US$ 39,07 billion or equal to Rp 600 triliun with the total exports about 33,15 million tons. In 2023, palm oil exports from Indonesia could be about 32,21 million tons.
Palm oil industries keep being in fluctuation both in internal and external factors, such as, in Covid-19 pandemic. But the industries survive and positively contribute to our economy nationally. “We have to get our glory and for the world,” Eddy said. (T2)