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South Kalimantan Province Reinforced Smallholders Data Team Capacity

Special doc./Head of Livestock and Plantation Agency South Kalimantan Province, Suparmi when delivering instruction at technically development for smallholders’ data team
South Kalimantan Province Reinforced Smallholders Data Team Capacity

InfoSAWIT, BAJARBARU – South Kalimantan Province through Livestock and Plantation Agency did technical development to escalate smallholders’ data team capacity, on Thursday 29 February 2024.

It was part of Rencana Aksi Daerah Kelapa Sawit Berkelanjutan (RAD KSB) South Kalimantan, was the same with President’s Instruction Number 6 / 2019 and the Regulation of South Kalimantan Governor Number 13 / 2023.

Head of Livestock and Plantation Agency South Kalimantan Province, Suparmi said that it needs supports to solve every issue about palm oil, such as, area legal, productivity, partnership among institution, namely with big private companies and independent or plasma smallholders, or other partnership.

“The smallholders’ plantations are the focus of development in this province but the progress still separates with big plantations. That is why it needs to realize good cultivation technic,” Suparmi said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from Information and Communication Agency South Kalimantan Province.

Suparmi also emphasized the approaches were proven to deliver positive impacts to realize poverty alleviation, unemployment, and expand the development in many regions. Besides, Suparmi also took heads of agency in the regency/city that deals with plantations to actively involve to get data and map in smallholders’ plantations.

“By having accurate data, we would be more effective to manage spatial particularly in forestry sectors and others to plantation commodities, and other sectors,” she said by hoping that the event would positively contribute not only to get map data but also the trigger to discuss the policy in the central government, particularly about palm oil and the industries. (T2)