InfoSAWIT, JOGJAKARTA – In a good partnership between Apical Group as one integrated palm oil producer that focuses on sustainability; and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), there was an education campaign about sustainable palm oil known as 'GreenFest' in Universitas Instiper, Yogyakarta.
Prior, the campaign was initiated in 2023 in Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta. The goal is about to educate generation (gen) z about the significance and advantages from sustainable palm oil production. By noticing environmental concern and act of ‘green’ from generation Z, the initiative would try to inspire them, involve them to formulate sustainability programs in their campuses.
The event in Universitas Instiper on 29 February 2024, Apical introduced their strategies to get interaction with the younger thinkers and told that sustainable palm oil products are significant for gen Z in their daily lives.
Corporate Communications Apical Group, Vanda Kusumaningrum mentioned that the goal of the campaign was about to motivate every young individual to support palm oil that should be sustainably produced, apart from their daily lives.
The initiative was part of sustainable commitment of Apical to maintain the environment good, as same as the sustainability commitment of Apical 2030. “Prior in November 2023, Apical did Greenfest Campaign in Plaza Outdoor, Universitas Trisakti by involving WWF Indonesia to educate young generations about palm oil products, from personal care and also housing products,” Vanda said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Friday (1/3/2024).
In the economic point of view, palm oil plays significant roles for Indonesia. Since Indonesia surpassed Malaysia in 2006, Indonesia has become the biggest palm oil producer in the world. The sector delivers employments for million men – as smallholders, traders, and also workers in mills. It also significantly contributes to revenue and labors in this country.
Meanwhile, Herry Wirianata, a lecturer of Faculty of Agriculture who was a speaker in the event said that sustainable practices need monitoring, starting from the land preparation, cultivation, palm oil process until making its derivative products. Herry also emphasized it is important to deliver these points of view for the students because they would be the future actors in palm oil plantation cultivation.
Vice Director Market Transformation RSPO, Mahatma Windrawan said that by understanding the comprehensive advantages and needs on sustainable practices in palm oil sector, generation Z would play their transformative roles to shape greener and more sustainable future for the industries. He also believed, as consumers, generation Z would choose the products that were sustainably produced. The initiative would educate and deliver inspiration for young generations sustainably.
Apical Group and RSPO are committed to maintain palm oil supply chain with available regulations about sustainable practices. The company is heading to get 100% traceability to mill (TM) 99,8% traceability to plantation (TTP), and 91,4% no deforestation, no peat, and no exploitation (NDPE). (T2)