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Members of SPKS: Should Accelerate to Get ISPO Certificate in Rokan Hulu

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Regent Sukiman handed over cultivation documents for independent smallholders, the members of SPKS, Wednesday (28/2/2024) in Rokan Hulu, Riau Province.
Members of SPKS: Should Accelerate to Get ISPO Certificate in Rokan Hulu

InfoSAWIT, ROKAN HULU – Since 2011, the Government of Indonesia has been regulating sustainable palm oil plantation by publishing the Regulation of Minister of Agriculture (RMA) Number 11 / 2015 about Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO).

In 2020, the commitment was reinforced by publishing President’s Regulation Number 44 / 2020 about Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Certification System. This emphasized the support of the government to get palm oil cultivation with sustainable principles while empowering smallholders in this country.

The smallholders play crucial roles in ISPO implementation for they cultivate 42% of total palm oil plantations in Indonesia, or about 6,94 million hectares. ISPO certificate would be the obligation for them to make sure that theirs would be the same with ISPO principles and criteria. In the RMA Number 38 / 2020, it is regulated that the smallholders should implement 5 principles, 19 criteria, and 30 indicators in ISPO.

As in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Thursday (29/2/2024), Regent of Rokan Hulu, Haji Sukiman said that it is important to implement sustainable palm oil plantations to escalate the harvests. He emphasized the supports from regional government by handing over cultivation documents for the smallholders as the way to confirm sustainable agricultural practices.

Meanwhile Chairman of Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS), Sabarudin said that ISPO plays important roles to escalate its governance. It covers about data aspect, legal, institution, and market access. He also told it is important to get fund access for smallholders to get ISPO certificate by proposing to the central and regional governments to get the available fund.

Secretariat Head of ISPO, Herdrajat Natawijaya told that ISPO certificate is integral part in palm oil development sustainably which it is the same with sustainable development goals. The government and other stakeholders would keep supporting and developing smallholders through the groups.

Head of Plantation, Agriculture Agency Regency of Rokan Hulu, Nur Ikhlas said, ISPO certification is still in progress.

“We and other stakeholders keep developing the smallholders’ groups,” Nur said.

Palm oil plantation company - Palmco Holding of PTPN IV Region 3 also emphasized that ISPO certificate is important to encourage sustainable palm oil plantation development. The company told the best and sustainable practices would be the key to succeed smallholders.

Serikat Petani Kelapa Sawit (SPKS) also develops independent smallholders. The organization plays its roles to escalate the smallholders’ best and sustainable plantation practices, escalate their welfare.

By having ISPO certificate and implementing the best and sustainable practices, Indonesia would reinforce its commitment to realize sustainable palm oil plantations, maintain the environment good, escalate smallholders’ welfare, and promote sustainable products to many countries. With the full supports from the governments and other stakeholders, these would realize sustainable palm oil practices and deliver advantages for the people. (T2)