InfoSAWIT, PONTIANAK – The representatives of Poland Republic Embassy when visiting Dwikora Port, Pontianak mentioned that they would be interested in palm oil shell potential in West Kalimantan Province. The shell would be used as renewable source of energy in their country.
“Poland Embassy visited West Kalimantan and saw the activity in the port. They are interested in palm oil shell potential to be the renewable energy material,” General Manager Pelindo II Pontianak, Hambar Wiyadi said in Pontianak, Saturday (24/2/2024).
Wiyadi also explained that from the port perspective in export activity to many countries, particularly through Kijing Port in Regency of Mempawah, it is ready. "Big ships could not get closer at Dwikora Port because the seashore is too shallow. But Kijing Port is very possible for the depth reaches 16 meters,” he said.
Deputy Head of Mission from Poland Republic Embassy, Piotr Firlus said that the country is now tracking source of environment energy, including palm oil shell.
“We saw and heard that West Kalimantan Province is big palm oil shell producer. It has big port and would enable big ships to pull down their anchor. This is a very big potential to get synergy,” Firlus said as InfoSAWIT quoted from Republika, Monday (26/2/2024).
Firlus also mentioned Republic of Poland as Central European country is facing the challenge in source of energy supply particulary as the impacts from the war between Russia and Ukraine. In the extreme cold, Poland has to get stable energy supply for industries and housing.
“Poland still depends on other countries’ supplies and export – import activity to fulfill the Poland’s needs and everything has to be through Rotterdam Port, Netherland because it is the center of transshipment for big ships and energy industrial center,” Firlus said. (T2)