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Regency of Pasaman Barat Encouraged The Innovation to Process Palm Oil Rod to be Brown Sugar

Special doc./Regency of Pasaman Barat encouraged the innovation to process palm oil rod to be brown sugar.
Regency of Pasaman Barat Encouraged The Innovation to Process Palm Oil Rod to be Brown Sugar

InfoSAWIT, PASAMAN BARAT - Regency of Pasaman Barat facilitated Research and Development Agency West Sumatera Province and National Innovation and Research Agency or Badan Riset Inovasi Nasional (BRIN) to research the advantages of palm oil rods (as wastes) to be processed as brown sugar in Sub district of Sungai Aur.

"The innovation to be brown sugar was conducted in two villages (kejorongan), they were Village of (Jorong) Bayang Tengah and Kasiak Putih, Sub district of Sungai Aur in 2023 by taking advantages on palm oil rods which got replanting program,” Head in duty of Regional Research Development Plan Agency, Regency of Pasaman Barat, Ikhwanri said in Simpang Empat, Saturday (24/2/2024).

Ikhwanri said, on Friday (23/3), Head of Research and Development Agency West Sumatera Province, Bustavidia and Head of Technology and Innovation, Research and Development Agency West Sumatera Province, Mahmudia Husain together with the team did field visit to Sub district of Sungai Aur.

It was the first study to get research, development and engineering in technology and innovation that focused on one location in Pasaman Barat just like Regional Research Development Plan Agency, Regency of Pasaman Barat proposed to Research and Development Agency West Sumatera proposed some time ago.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from Antara, Monday (26/2/2024), Ikhwanri told that the making of brown sugar from palm oil rod in Nagari Sungai Aua would escalate not only additional values from local commodity but also the way heading to get sustainable economic innovation and deliver the positive impacts for the local people.

He also explained that the information about palm oil waste producers told one palm oil rod in 24 hours could produce water for about 3 times. One process of taking the water from palm oil rod would spend about 8 hours and from 10 liters of palm oil water, 2 kilograms of (palm oil) brown sugar could be produced.

But Ikhwanri identified some issues, such as, gathering water spent 8 hours. It took too long and was less effective. Besides, freezing brown sugar was always fail. Gathering palm oil water just lasted for some hours and easy to be broken. (T2)