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The 2023 CPO Production in Malaysia Escalated 0,53 Percent

Doc. InfoSAWIT
The 2023 CPO Production in Malaysia Escalated 0,53 Percent

InfoSAWIT, KUALA LUMPUR – Crude palm oil (CPO) production in Malaysia in 2023 reached 18,55 million metric tons, a little bit increasing 0,53% from the previous year. The numbers were latest data about December offer and demand released by Malaysian Palm Oil Board. (MPOB).

In December, CPO production significantly decreased 13,3% from November to be 1,55 million metric tons, as MPOB predicted. But the production surpassed what many industries predicted that reached only about 1,6 to 1,61 million metric tons, just like Reuters and Bloomberg did discussion.

The decreasing CPO production in December happened for seasonal factors, CPO normally getting the lowest production. But the actual production was less than the expectation. This indicated the potential challenges and issues in production process.

As InfoSAWIT quoted from PalmOilAnalytic, compared December 2023, December 2022 CPO production got lower in numbers that reached 1,62 million metric tons. The numbers were better from the average in the past decade that reached 1,53 million metric tons. This showed the production maintained its level though there was short term – fluctuation.

CPO small increasing number – production in 2023 might mean that palm oil industries in Malaysia maintained stable output level when facing the challenges and issues, including the market fluctuation, the weather, and regulation substitution. In the future, the stakeholders in the country would pay attention wisely and adjust the strategies to effectively navigate the dynamic market situation. (T2)