InfoSAWIT, MAMUJU – The visit of Point Offline Store (POS) Pusat Penelitian Kelapa Sawit (PPKS) West Sulawesi Province, Ahmad Kasim to West Sulawesi Plantation Agency on Monday, 5 February 2024 would be the collaboration to escalate palm oil seeds and legal in the province.
It was about to get good communication and work and introduce himself to the new Head of Plantation Agency West Sulawesi, delivered information about the official outlets in the province.
Head of West Sulawesi Plantation Agency, Herdin Ismail told that it is important to prevent fake palm oil seed distribution in the society. Illegal seeds that have no legal aspects, certification, would deliver contamination of dura and would minimize fresh fruit bunch production, crude palm oil, “Planting fake palm oil seeds would be negative for productivity and smallholders’ income, would financially deliver losses for them,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of West Sulawesi Province, Wednesday (7/2/2024).
Prior in the same day, coordinator of POS PPKS West Sulawesi did visit to UPTD BPSPMBP West Sulawesi Plantation Agency. It was about to get intensive communication and coordination about seeds procurement and potential needs in palm oil in smallholders replanting program, and supervising fake seeds in the province.
In the meeting, Ahmad Kasim wanted to know if palm oil seeds for the 2024 smallholders replanting program in the province were enough or not. Muhammad Fadlullah, Head of UPTD BPSPMBP West Sulawesi Plantation Agency told the 2024 palm oil seed needs for the program would be about 261.000 trees for about 1800 hectares. (T2)