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PFMA: Get Qualified Research to have Sustainable Palm Oil Industries

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/PFMA does Program Grant Riset Sawit to get research proposals from every research and development institution in Indonesia.
PFMA: Get Qualified Research to have Sustainable Palm Oil Industries

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – By the late of 2023, Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA) did webinar with the theme "Call for Proposal Grant Riset Sawit 2024". It was part of socialization in Program Grant Riset Sawit yang which is one service in palm oil fund.

The webinar was about to inform that Program Grant Riset Sawit was open to get research proposals from research and development institutions in Indonesia. Call for Proposal would be for about 3 months, or until 17 March 2024.

It was attended by 1.611 participants from many regions, namely from universities. The participants were highly enthusiastic. This meant may researchers from Indonesia wanted to join research fund program from PFMA. Director in duty of Fund Distribution PFMA, Zaid Burhan Ibrahim that inaugurated the program, told that research support would be very important to get sustainable palm oil industries.

Research and development should deliver solutions on what palm oil industries face, including how to escalate plantation productivity, efficiency, sustainability, awareness to environmental issues both locally and globally.

Zaid Burhan Ibrahim also told that palm oil research and development program would be the way of PFMA to reinforce, develop, escalate plantation empowerment and palm oil industries.

Chairman of Asosiasi Inventor Indonesia, Prof (Ris) Didiek Hadjar Goenadi said that palm oil plays strategic roles in Indonesia as one commodity that becomes backbone of economy nationally. The challenges in sustainable palm oil industries should be taken as chances for researchers to deliver solutions. “It is important to support system for research and development to get research result and be well implemented,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of PFMA, Monday (5/2/2024).

Division Head of Service Program, PFMA, Arfie Thahar told that Program Grant Riset Sawit 2024 is re-open and should be through the official page of PFMA. The announcement covered prior research topics to deliver answers and needs in palm oil industries, such as, bioenergy, biomaterial, cultivation, post-harvest, environment, food, and social economy/ICT.

The research proposals would be selected in three phases, they are, administration, substance, and presentation. Every phase would involve research and development committee to deliver recommendation to the proposal that PFMA would deliver fund.

Arfie Thahar also mentioned the research proposal should focus on the prior topics and the assessment criteria would involve many aspects, such as, issue statement, gap analysis, research program, and advantages/result to get. (T2)