InfoSAWIT, BATANG HARI – Students of Technic of Agriculture, Universitas Jambi (UNJA) did something interesting in "Pelatihan Pemanfaatan Limbah Pelepah Kelapa Sawit menjadi Biobriket sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif".
It was running at SMKN SPP Jambi, Muara Bulian KM 36 Sub district of Jembatan Mas, District of Pemayung, Regency of Batang Hari, Jambi Province. The team consisted of Aurel Ardio Prayoga, Muhammad Vachru Rozi, Muhammad Akbar, and Hasbullah. They were part of Mahasiswa Mengabdi untuk Negeri (MBKM) Asistensi Mengajar 2023.
In the beginning, the students realized that palm oil midribs as the product results from the plantations, were abundant. Knowing the issue, they wanted to develop innovation by changing the agricultural wastes to be alternative source of energy, which was, bio-briquettes. The training process run on 21-28 November 2023.
The students wanted to get not only a practical solution but also how to be a teacher in a school, got deep experiences in reality. They also wanted to understand the connection between inhouse knowledge and field reality.
The main goal of the training was to get bio-briquettes from palm oil midrib and to evaluate the potential as alternative source of energy which is sustainable. The program was involving 50 students at SMKN SPP Jambi.
Ardio Prayoga who represented the team hoped that the training would be positive in the future. “By having bio-briquettes training, we hoped that the students woul develop their skill to be a business chance when they are ready to work. We do hope to take advantages on science and experience as our triggers to keep learning,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted from the official page of UNJA, Monday (5/2/2024).
Dewi Fortuna, Chairman of Agriculture Technic Study Program told the hopes for the students. “Teaching assistance is the mainstay program of MBKM Agriculture Technic Study Program. It was in collaboration with the school and teachers at SMKN PP Jambi. We hoped the students would apply and deepen their scientific competence also,” she said.
The initiative delivered not only innovative solution for environmental issue but also create chance for the students in SMKN PP Jambi to develop and prepare themselves heading to work. The innovation spirit and active learning that the students showed should be the inspiration for young generations to actively play their roles in sustainable development. (T2)