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Smallholders to Ganjar Pranowo: Three New Hopes

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Smallholders to Ganjar Pranowo: Three New Hopes

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – President candidate Number 3, Ganjar Pranowo got inputs from many smallholders. In their meeting, the smallholders told three issues to him.

The first, the smallholders told that it is urgent to accomplish agrarian reformation. They wanted that it needs fast solution to deliver legal enforcement and they would have legal areas to escalate their welfare.

The second, they also told that fresh fruit bunch (FFB) price would be stable to make sure that their economy runs sustainably. This is the crucial factors for their business.

The third, to escalate palm oil governance, the smallholders hoped there would be palm oil agency which is established and supervised by president. This agency should run its function and management to make sure sustainability, fairness, and sustainable industries in Indonesia.

Ganjar Pranowo responded the inputs by saying its commitment to struggle for agrarian reformation effectively, and maintain FFB stable price. “We would support to establish palm oil agency which is efficient and transparent,” he said, as InfoSAWIT quoted on Wednesday (31/1/2024).

His vision for the future palm oil industries in Indonesia, Ganjar Pranowo told that it is significant to get balance in palm oil industries and sustainable environment, welfare for the smallholders as integral part from agricultural process nationally. (T2)