InfoSAWIT, LABURA – Regent of Labuhanbatu Utara (Labura), Hendri Yanto Sitorus; Vice Regent, H. Samsul Tanjung; and Head of Agriculture Agency Regency of Labura, Sudarija handed over cultivation documents for independent smallholders – the members of Koperasi Produsen Karya Desa Mandiri in Village of Simangalam Sub district of Kualuh Selatan on Monday, 29 January 2024.
The independent smallholders’ palm oil plantation in Regency of Labura, North Sumatera were not comprehensively identified in factual data. That is why Regent Hendri Yanto Sitorus emphasized that it is important to get data and registration consolidation to manage theirs.
Cultivation document is a must for the smallholders so that they are put in data well in the regency. They having less than 25 hectares should get cultivation document.
Sitorus also mentioned, the cultivation document would relate not only about business permit. “But also to know the status, plantation productivity, and technical data. The publication of the cultivation document would be for planters that cultivate less than 25 hectares,” he said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Tuesday (30/1/2024).
To escalate the development for the planters, plantations productivity in the regency, cultivation documents are needed to get data and identification about the issues. It would be the condition to get Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) certificate and smallholders replanting program.
Legal operational would support independent smallholders to do their business and synergy from every stakeholder would be the key to socialize and encourage independent smallholders to get cultivation document.
Sitorus emphasized the registration and getting data about independent smallholders’ plantations would always run until palm oil plantations in the regency would be accomplished. The 2023 and 2024 palm oil plantation profit sharing from the central government would be allocated to support Labura as palm oil plantation production center.
It would cover the smallholders’ plantation data, formulate regional action plans – sustainable palm oil, develop to get ISPO certificate, rehabilitate forests and areas, and also socially protect palm oil plantation workers.
Manager of Sustainable Palm Oil Certification for Smallholders, Novet Charles Akolo said that the institution helped Regency of Labura to map and get data of their plantation to get cultivation documents.
“We proposed 300 cultivation documents to Agriculture Agency Regency of Labura. We are supported to get ISPO certification this year with the target one union would get ISPO and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certificates. Everything would reinforce palm oil plantations and deliver the positive for the local economy,” he said. (T2)