InfoSAWIT, LANGKAT – A historical action was done to escalate new renewable advantage use in Indonesia. It was realized by officially constructing the first bio compressed-biomethane gas (BioCNG) plant for commerce in Blangkahan POM, Village of Blangkahan, Sub district of Kuala, District of Langkat, North Sumatera Province. It was on Monday (22/1/2024) and the construction would spend about fifteen months by PT KIS Biofuel Indonesia as part of the plan to construct 25 Bio-CNG plants within 15.500 M3 BioCNG/day capacity for each.
BioCNG mil would produce 387.500 M3 Bio-CNG per day and would reduce about 3,7 million tons CO2 per year. More than that, the mill would be anticipate to produce 3,7 million carbon credit per year, would deliver the positive in green – house gas reduction.
Director of Bioenergy General Directorate of New Renewable Energy Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource, Edi Wibowo appreciated the construction of BioCNG Plant in Langkat. In his speech, he hoped that it would be running well and significantly delivering the positive to support energy transition in Indonesia namely in advantaging biogas as renewable source.
He also emphasized that the Government of Indonesia is committed to support energy transition through some targets, strategies, programs to take advantages on renewable energy. “One significant thing is the decision of new renewable energy advantage target about 23% in 2025 as it is regulated in national energy policy,” Edi said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT recently.
Indonesia, through Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resource designed Grand Strategi Energi Nasional (GSEN) with the goal, to reduce dependence on fossil energy. One breakthrough in this process is by taking advantages on big scale biogas or industry as the substitution of liquid petroleum gas (LPG).
To support BioCNG contruction, the ministry did some, for instance, publishing Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) 9164 Biomethane for fuel in 2023 together with BSN. Besides, business permits - KBLI 35203 for biogas was announced to permit biogas as the fuel.
CEO PT KIS Biofuel Indonesia, Ragunath hoped that Indonesia would be the biggest bioCNG producer in Asia. He thanked Unilever, AEP, dan KIS Group for the incredible supports and convinced that Indonesia would be the pioneer to take advantages on bioCNG to answer the future sustainable energy needs.
Regent in duty of Langkat, Syah Afandin appreciated the project and hoped that it would be the sample for others to do the same innovation, and would deliver employment wider in the region. (T2)