InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Musim Mas Group, one integrated palm oil plantation company started this year by accomplishing training-of-trainers (ToT) Kader Pelatihan Nutrisi dan Kesehatan - Women Smallholders Program. This was formulated for femal smallholders and smallholders’ wives that joined Women Smallholders Program prior. They were trained to be trainers in their community, as part of what Musim Mas does to escalate independent smallholders’ lives.
The training was on 9 - 11 January 2024 in Pekanbaru, Riau Province. It was joined by 30 selected participants from District of Pelalawan, Rokan Hilir, and Rokan Hulu. The participants were selected from their activity in Women Smallholders Program and their commitment to implement healthy life style. The cadres would deliver training for female smallholders and smallholders’ wives in the associations developed by Musim Mas and local communities with the development from field team of Musim Mas.
According to Project Leader Women Smallholders Program - Musim Mas, Linda Wati, the female’s roles in plantations particularly palm oil, would significantly deliver impacts. They are in charge on not only the domestic work but also play their roles in plantation cultivation and social activity in the society.
“After successfully delivering training for more than 500 female smallholders and smallholders’ wives in the first Women Smallholders Program last year, we would make the program sustainably and deliver impacts for others,” she said, as in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Friday (26/1/2024).
The trainer cadres got real advantages from healthy life style they do. This would be the motivation for them to share knowledge and insight for other female in their communities.
One participant, Rizka from District of Pelalawan said that she wants to be trainer cadre that cares about the other female to realize healthy life style. “By joining nutrition trainings and family health that Musim Mas conducted, I got better changes in my family,” Rizka said.
The program was also supported by academy from Universitas Sumatera Utara (USU). The training-of-trainers were trained by Dr. Fotarisman Zaluchu, S.K.M, M.P.H, and Dr. Putri C. Eyanoer, MS.Epi, Ph.D. They had training support tools, such as, properties, games, modules, and health calendars.
Dr. Fotarisman Zaluchu said that the initiatives of Musim Mas to change female in palm oil was very inspirational by presenting trainings-of-trainers.
This year, Musim Mas planned to continue Women Smallholders program by focusing on nutrient training and family health, develop new training modules, including financial literacy and housing business chance to empower female smallholders in wider aspects. (T2)