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Palm Oil Rods Become Temporary Crib to Block Water Embankment Crisis in Sungain Tamiang

Special doc./Palm oil rods become temporary crib to block crisis water embankment in Sungai Tamiang.
Palm Oil Rods Become Temporary Crib to Block Water Embankment Crisis in Sungain Tamiang

InfoSAWIT, ACEH TAMIANG – The embankment in Sungai Tamiang along river sides in Seruway is a concern because the top parts get porous and fall apart because of the hit of the river flow. Knowing this, District of Aceh Tamiang would mitigate flood risk that could happen.

In the visit to Pekan Seruway on Monday (22/1/24), Regent in duty of Aceh Tamiang, Drs. Asra said that this is emergency and the crib making would be the short term – solution. Crib is hoped to prevent the embankment to get more damage. “This is very bad, critical. We do concern if the flood comes again, this would be broken,” Agra said, as quoted from the official page of Aceh Tamiang, Friday (26/1/2024).

The crib was built by using palm oil rob. It started since Tuesday (16/1/2024) in Pekan Seruway. By hoping that it would be finished at three spots around the river in 18 days, this would be the concrete way to face embankment crisis in Sungai Tamiang.

Head of Regional Disaster Management Agency Aceh Tamiang, Iman Suhery said his institution took advantages palm oil to minimize the flood threat. With the targets 17 bends completed by the cribs this year, the institution hoped to minimize the impacts of flood in the region.

Though Sungai Tamiang authority is managed by Aceh Province, District of Aceh Tamiang took the initiative to conduct emergency and risk mitigation to minimize the flood risks.

“We could no do much for having no authority but this is only emergency and mitigation only,” Regent Asra said. (T2)