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Governor of Riau: Would Discuss about Palm Oil Conflicts

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Governor of Riau: Would Discuss about Palm Oil Conflicts

PEKANBARU – Governor of Riau, Edy Nasution would gather every palm oil stakeholder, regents, mayor, police, army, indigenous institution, land agencies to discuss about palm oil issues. It would be on Wednesday (24/1/2024) at Ruang Rapat Melati at 09.00 WIB.

The goal would be about to get the best solution on area conflicts that happen between palm oil plantation companies and the people. Nasution also told the meeting would be about to minimize agrarian conflicts in the province.

“This is my idea as the response to area conflicts that happen between palm oil plantation companies and the local people around the companies. The goal of the meeting would be about the fair solution and the people would be getting their rights while the companies would operate well,” Nasution said, Sunday (21/1/2024) as InfoSAWIT quoted from Media Center Riau.

Governor Nasution hooped every stakeholder would directly attend the meeting and directly told the conflicts just like what the people complaint about to get the fair decision or solution.

Some time ago, he got reports from the people about the conflicts. Some were followed up by making special team, internal taskforce to investigate the legal violation assumption in PT SIR about its business rights.

The Wednesday meeting would be the first thing that Nasution does about area conflict. He hoped, every stakeholder should participate to solve the case by delivering good thoughts. (T2)