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TPN from President and Vice President Candidates Do Not Offer Solution about Renewable Energy Transition

Doc. InfoSAWIT
TPN from President and Vice President Candidates Do Not Offer Solution about Renewable Energy Transition

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – On 10 January 2024, Traction Energy Asia, Trend Asia, and Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI) did online discussion with tim pemenangan nasional (TPN) from president and vice president candidates for 2024 – 2029. It discussed about bioenergy transition. It is urgent issue as many countries agreed with in the 28th Conference of Parties (COP28) in Dubai. The target would be net zero emission in 2050 to use renewable energy.

As in the official statement to InfoSAWIT, Executive Director of Traction Energy Asia, Tommy Pratama told that Indonesia significantly escalated green-house gas (GHG) emission from 1980 to 2020. In the response to this, source transition from low carbon energy would be urgent thing to do. But he told it needs to differentiate renewable energy and low carbon energy because not every source of renewable energy has low carbon.

Bioenergy Program Manager of Trend Asia, Amalya Reza Oktaviani talked about biomass co-firing as the solution to substitute coal in steam powerplant. Though it would be decreasing emission, Amalya Reza thought biomass co-would be a fake solution in energy transition. Reza thought, biomass use particularly wood pallet would be difficult to get sustainably and would be negative for forest sustainability.

Anggi Putra Prayoga, Campaign, Advocacy, and Media Campaigner of FWI talked about forest and area governance about bioenergy development. Biomass production for co-firing in 52 steam powerplants in Indonesia would make 4,65 million hectares of natural forest lost. The numbers would play important roles to capture carbon and be the living space for people.

Drajad Wibowo from TPN Prabowo-Gibran told that energy transition program that they would offer was the most realistic and feasible. Though the team realized the potential from geothermal and solar, Drajat thought biomass would be the short term – rational option. Anggi Putra directly responded the opinion by saying that depending on short term - biomass would be negative for the environment and finance.

Irvan Pulungan from TPN Anies-Muhaimin (AMIN) told his will to evaluate bioenergy program by having environment investigation and involving inventory. But Anggi thought the approach would be theoretical, normative, and he told to focus on energy transition performance audit in a whole.

Agus Hermanto from TPN Ganjar-Mahfud acknowledged there would be challenges in energy transition. He also realized natural resource options besides wood pallet, such as, used palm cooking oil, cassava, and bean. But Anggi Putra Prayoga thought TPN Ganjar-Mahfud had no clear commitment about zero deforestation in energy transition and would use biodiesel without strong basic.

The discussion also about each candidate’s approach and perspective in energy transition and bioenergy use. Anggi Putra Prayoga mentioned it needs to evaluate and audit of energy transition project performance to confirm the obedience about good governance principles and avoid the negative impacts for the environment and people.

As part of democracy process, the discussion delivered clearer description about the candidates’ commitment about strategic issues, such as, energy transition that would deliver big impacts for the environment and sustainability in national scale. (T2)