InfoSAWIT, Cilegon – In the recent days, a wedding ceremony was viral in a TikTok platform. Video uploaded by @nyimaslisaoktariani showed an incredible moment, a couple - just married got unexpectable special present in their wedding day.
In the video, the couple worn white dress and stood before the entrance of a wall. Then they got surprise which was a black Pajero Sport car, furnished by ribbon as the symbol of their happiest day.
The video had a information which was very interesting - "Dikasih hadiah pas ultah ❌ Dikasih hadiah pas wedding ✅,". This writing made many citizens curious what behind the surprise was.
Not only that, the couple got the other present which was also a surprise. It was one hectare - palm oil plantation in the form of certificate which was wrapped beautifully. The moment was captured by a photographer that attended the ceremony.
Video uploader, Nyimas Lisa Oktariani said that the present was not a birthday one but a special wedding present. In other information, he wrote, "1 unit mobil Pajero Sport dan 1 hektar kebun sawit."
As InfoSAWIT quoted from Wolipop, Nyimas Lisa shared the moment when the two new couple showed the Pajero Sport car. The wedding was at The Royale Krakatau Hotel, Cilegon, Banten Province.
The wedding video got viral and watched by more than 561,5 thousand times. The special moment delivered comments and got enthusiastic reaction from many citizens for the incredible presents. (T2)