InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – In 2017 - 2023, the Government of Indonesia implemented ambitious program which is smallholders replanting program (SRP). The initiative covered area allocation that laid about 306.486 hectares for 134.770 smallholders within fund distribution about Rp 8,5 trillion. SRP is the significant thing to develop palm oil plantations nationally with the fund support from Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA).
One concrete thing that the government did was distributing helps for planters significantly. In 2023 the government allocated Rp 22 billion to provide superior seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machines. These were about to escalate plantation productivity and quality, and confirm sustainability in palm oil sector.
Deputy Coordinator Minister in Food and Agribusiness, Coordinator Ministry in Economy, Dida Gardera said the government seriously paid attention to develop human resources in palm oil sector, the fund distributed reached Rp 127 billion to deliver trainings and development for 7.000 people in 2023.
“This is hoped to escalate their knowledge and skill in palm oil sector. They would adopt the best agricultural practices, and would face the developing challenges globally,” he said as speaker in Pertemuan Nasional Petani Kelapa Sawit that InfoSAWIT attended by the late of 2023 in Jakarta.
Dida also told SRP, agricultural helps, human resource development would be the commitments of the government to make palm oil go forward sustainably. Besides delivering economic advantages for planters, the initiative supported the government to realize sustainable development, escalating smallholders, income, natural resource cultivation sustainably, and escalate people’s welfare.
But it needs to always monitor and evaluate to confirm the programs to effectively run and deliver positive impacts for the people. By the progressive things, it is hoped the smallholders’ plantations in Indonesia would keep developing and positively contributing for the economy and environment. (T2)