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PalmCo Would Delivered Double Advantages for Smallholders

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PalmCo Would Delivered Double Advantages for Smallholders

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Director of PalmCo, Jatmiko K. Santosa said, to escalate smallholders’ welfare, PalmCo would involve smallholders to actively be equal to big companies, such as, PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN). “We do not want that the smallholders as marginal parties,” he said in an event that InfoSAWIT attended in Jakarta.

One concrete support from PalmCo for smallholders is through pilot project in three red palm oil mills that cooperate with their union. This would be the same with the commitment of the company to escalate their quality and insight, confirm that they would compete fairly in the close markets.

Jatmiko K. Santosa also emphasized that the company as Enterprises would always reinforce its strategic roles by delivering real impacts for the nation. “In this case, the smallholders should get the advantages,” he said.

In the future, PalmCo through its good cooperation with Rumah Sawit Indonesia (RSI) and the commitment to conduct smallholders replanting program, would bridge division between the company and smallholders. Then palm oil industries would face the future challenges tougher and more sustainable. (T2)