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CPO Tender at KPBN Increased 0,85 Percent on Friday (12/1), Weekly Price Increased 3,5 Percent

Foto by Hendra/sawitfest 2021
CPO Tender at KPBN Increased 0,85 Percent on Friday (12/1), Weekly Price Increased 3,5 Percent

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Crude palm oil (CPO) tender atb PT. Kharisma Pemasaran Bersama Nusantara (KPBN) was Rp 11.800/kg on Friday (12/1/2024). It means, it increased Rp 99/kg or about 0,85% compared to Thursday (11/1/2024) tender that was Rp 11.701/kg.

What InfoSAWIT got from KPBN, CPO Franco in Belawan and Dumai was Rp 11.800/Kg. Crude palm oil kernel (CPKO) in Dumai was Rp. 11.471/kg but in withdraw (WD) with the highest bid Rp 11.100/Kg.

What InfoSAWIT calculate in the second week this year, (8 - 12 January 2024) CPO average tender at KPBN increased about Rp 394,40/kg to be Rp 11.559,00/kg or increased about 3,5% compared to CPO average tender in the previous week (21 Dec 2023 – 5 Jan 2024) that was Rp. 11.164,60/kg.

Here are tenders at KPBN (Rp./Kg), excluded income tax on Friday (12/1/2024):


Franco Belawan and Dumai Rp. 11.800-PHPO, PAA



Palembang Rp. 11.471 (WD) with the highest bid Rp. 11.100-IKIN
