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Palm Oil – Cow Integrated Program Heads to Cow Self – Sufficiency through Innovative Cultivation Concept

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Palm Oil – Cow Integrated Program Heads to Cow Self – Sufficiency through Innovative Cultivation Concept

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – To face the stagnant increasing population of cow (beef cattle) and limited areas for livestock, it is urgent to change the concept and cultivation system. These innovative things need to be realized and solving the challenges to get beef cattle self-sufficiency.

In the response of insignificant beef cattle increasing population, it was found that the changing concept and cultivation system from intensive to be semi intensive would be the best way. The transformation would deliver positive impacts to beef cattle breeding and consider limited areas that got narrower.

Available areas that got narrower would demand synergy from every decision maker. That is why, SISKA (Sistem Integrasi Sapi Kelapa Sawit) program would be the right choice to socialize the new concept. “By having the meeting in SISKA program, we came to a conclusion to develop palm oil – cow integrated program,” Head of Pusat Studi Hewan Tropika (Centras) Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB), Prof. Mahrowi recently said to InfoSAWIT.

Prof. Nahrowi also told the visit to PT SISKA would be the important thing to understand every field condition and formulate unclear beef cattle breeding concept. By involving field practitioners, we would try to get innovative solution to solve the decreasing beef cattle decreasing population particularly in this region.

Within only 28 thousand hectares to breed beef cattle in South Kalimantan Province, the chance to realize beef cattle self – sufficiency would be realized through the synergy between agriculture and forestry sectors. The areas where Ministry of Environment and Forestry manages would be taken for advantages through multi usaha kehutanan (MUK). We also encouraged every stakeholder and smallholder to get diversification business by having palm oil – cow integrated program.

“In the cultivation system, the nutrition would depend on the beef cattle itself by calculating their natural instinct. Beef cattle would know their food according to what they need personally, confirm the optimal growth and good health. These would be the same with the trend heading to sustainable cultivation globally,” Prof. Nahrowi said.

For the record, in Indonesia, intensive cultivation system still dominates but through the concept transformation, we hoped to realize tat the change is key of sustainability. By taking for advantage palm oil plantations and having livestock and plantation integration, it would realize beef cattle self – sufficiency, particularly in South Kalimantan. (T2)