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Escalate Smallholders’ Income while Minimizing Deforestation: Here are the Solution..

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Escalate Smallholders’ Income while Minimizing Deforestation: Here are the Solution..

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Deforestation is a serious issue in palm oil sector both directly and indirectly. The way to reduce emission carbon up t0 200 million tons in national scale with the detail, 4 million ton from each region, still keeps running.

Country Director CIFOR-ICRAF Indonesia, Prof. Herry Purnomo said that deforestation actually happening in palm oil sector would get solution by facilitating internet technology, for instance, it needs to use satellite monitoring system to identify the areas where deforestation happens and lead to escalate emission. We could minimize emission in national scale by taking advantages on technology.

“By taking advantages on technology and right calculation, we would understand the emission numbers derived from each region. For instance, District of Pelalawan Riau Province; District of Sintang, West Kalimantan Province; Pulang Pisau, Central Kalimantan; and Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan Province – have emission 4 million tons in average. This would be the basic to design emission reduction strategy in local level,” he said in the third national workshop of sustainable palm oil that InfoSAWIT joined, Thursday (11/1/2024).

Prof. Herry Purnomo continued, by deeper audit about plantation canopy dynamic, area that got impact from deforestation could be done. This would cover the analysis to every area that connect to palm oil plantations both that have been planted and could be avoided still.

That is why it needs integration to minimize deforestation in regional action plan -sustainable palm oil. “We could significantly create contribution in the plan. Escalating plantation productivity and getting legal certificate would be part of the strategies by having economic and legal approaches,” he said.

It also needs political and legal approaches to deliver guarantee sustainably to minimize deforestation. The good connection with regional governments and the local would confirm the success in implementing the strategies.

“Agro-forestry would be the effective solution by escalating smallholders’ income while reducing deforestation,” Prof. Herry Purnomo said. (T2)