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To Develop Palm Oil Sector, RSI Takes IPS to Escalate Palm Oil Human Resources

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/RSI and IPS signed memorandum of understanding about escalating palm oil human resource capacity, Wednesday (10/1/2024) in Jakarta.
To Develop Palm Oil Sector, RSI Takes IPS to Escalate Palm Oil Human Resources

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Rumah Sawit Indonesia (RSI) did good cooperation with related parties to support palm oil development in Indonesia comprehensively. The cooperation involved many sectors and the companies, research institutions, technology companies, government’s institutions, smallholders’ institutions, and universities.

Chairman of RSI, Kacuk Sumarto said that the institution would commit to develop palm oil by getting partnership with many parties. “Our commitment is not in one side only but also we would do comprehensively and completely,” he said in Refleksi Industri Sawit 2023 dan Tantangan Masa Depan, that InfoSAWIT attended on Wednesday (10/1/2024) in Jakarta

Some parties signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) with RSI, such as, planters association - Indonesian Planters Society (IPS). The MoU would focus to escalate palm oil human resources both in smallholders and companies’ level that RSI would coordinate.

Chairman of IPS, Jamalul said that by the MoU, there would be sustainably delivering education about palm oil cultivation in good agricultural practices (GAP).

Jamalul also told, sustainable education program would be the main key to open people’s insight about what palm oil would deliver. The initiative would deliver not only basic knowledge but also export many application and potentials to develop further products, including by conducting seminar, workshop, and trainings. It is hoped the people would dig more about crude palm oil contribution in many sectors.

It did white campaigns which means to be the strong visual thing to inform the positivity about palm oil. The visit to palm oil plantations, informing materials and having online campaigns would be parts of white campaigns. The main goal is to change the perception of the people by holistically delivering understanding about the economic, social, and environmental advantages from palm oil industries.

The last, it actively involves with non-government organization, and plantation practitioners directly. These would be significant to get many perspective and experience from the society. The collaboration would reinforce legitimate information and support transparency and social responsibility in palm oil industries.

Back to Kacuk Sumarto, he said RSI would be open to get collaboration with companies, associations, institutions, and communities that are committed to support and develop palm oil in Indonesia. “Each of them should develop according to its competency to deliver contribution for palm oil,” Kacuk said.

The collaboration among many sectors would also deliver better insight about palm oil. “We want to understand palm oil in a whole, not partial,” he said.

RSI planned to dig every potential and chance to develop palm oil in national scale. By the approaches, it is hoped to get holistic solution to escalate palm oil sectors in Indonesia. (T2)