InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Committee Member of Research and Development Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (PFMA), Tony Liwang said that Pekan Riset Sawit Indonesia (Perisai) tried to gather researchers and industries. But he proposed it needs special forum that would encourage industrial researchers to tell what they need in their research to confirm that the industries would immediately adopt their result.
In an interview with InfoSAWIT, Tony Liwang acknowledged that the industries were not too responsive for the research results. He thought this is the time to get a forum which is contradictive to what existed. The stakeholders should manage the discussion (forum) after inviting researchers to get participated in.
“It happened that the researchers did theirs and the stakeholders just waited and saw. Slowly but surely, we have to get opener forum. The stakeholders would tell what they need to the researchers though there is no forum like it,” he said.
Tony Liwang continued, with the supports from PFMA, such forums would run to deliver messages for industries to what they need. “It has to and we would try to deliver the details,” he said.
Such idea would be the innovation and the industries would directly involve in research process, confirm that the research result would be more relevant with the industrial practical needs. The supports from PFMA would be the catalysators to make such forum and accelerate research adoption in palm oil plantation sectors in this country.
Prior, Head of Service Program Division, Directorate of Fund Distribution PFMA, Arfie Thahar said that the industries that want to develop technology by taking for advantages on PFMA, would be free of charge. But if the technology has got patent rights by the researchers, the industries that want to take on advantages should get cooperation.
PFMA did concrete things to clarify intellectual property rights that have something to do with research results by intensively having communication and discussion with Ministry of Finance by sending official documents. The questions were about regulation to divide research results that PFMA got.
By having the clarification, PFMA confirmed that industries that potentially take for advantages on research result would not pay tariff or rupiah. It means such industries could execute without thinking of additional payment. (T2)