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Guidelines to be Successful Planters in Young Age

Doc. InfoSAWIT
Guidelines to be Successful Planters in Young Age

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA - Planter(s) is a trend profession today particularly in palm oil (plantation) as one strategic commodity in the economy nationally. It plays important roles in business management.

As man’s population would be increasing in the world and so would be in Indonesia in the future, this would be demographic bonus with the productive age – percentage in quite numbers. That is why planter would be the one opportunity to be a work for Generation (gen) Z who want to work at. He needs to study hard in the free competition of work nowadays.

To deliver insight and ways for young generations to be successful planters, Abdul Hamdan Nasution, the 32 year - plantation practitioner wants to share his experiences through the book he wrote.

Buku Panduan Sawit Kunci Planter Era Gen Z (Bekal sukses Asisten perkebunan), is one book that its contents are filled to be successful planters in information and technology era and in internet – base. In the 120 page – book, Nasution wanted to deliver reviews about how a planter would be successful in young age.

One thing to notice is that the book should not be read only if young generations want to work as planters, but also for those who do not work, could read as guidelines before working as planters.

if yoy want to order, please call 082282775554/Abdul Hamdan.

Source: Majalah InfoSAWIT, November 2023