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Smallholders in Village of Bukit Sari Would Construct Palm Oil Mill with the Support from PFMA

Doc. of InfoSAWIT/Chairman of Koperasi PPS-MJB, Muhamat Yasir.
Smallholders in Village of Bukit Sari Would Construct Palm Oil Mill with the Support from PFMA

InfoSAWIT, JAKARTA – Smallholders in Village of Bukit Sari, Sub district of Maro Sebo Ilir, District of Batanghari that join in Koperasi Perkumpulan Petani Sawit Mandiri Jaya Bersama (PPS-MJB) want to have their own palm oil mill. In addition, they have qualified every term and condition according to Decision of General Director Number 63/2023. They are ready to construct palm oil mill to escalate plantation productivity and welfare.

Chairman of PPS-MJB, Muhamat Yasir told that the cooperation has 1.453 families as the members. With the potential, they know the chance to construct the mill and Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency would fund.

“The socialization was done by meeting with the head of village and people, and we qualified the regulation terms and conditions,” Yasir said in an event that InfoSAWIT attended in Jambi by the late of December 2023.

The preparation covered data (of every member), including ID, certificate of family, freehold title, and the picture by drone. Everything has qualified the terms and conditions as the Decision of General Director Number 144, 273, and 62. The area to construct the mill would be laying on about 16 hectares with palm oil plantation supports from the people that laid on about 4.000 hectares. The will to construct palm oil mill is the distance to other mill that spent five hours. Fresh fruit bunch production is projected to reach 90 thousand to 120 thousand tons, and would be 200 thousand tons.

"We plan the mill would be 20 ton - fresh fruit bunch per hour – capacity, according to the needs,” Yasir said.

To guarantee that the mill would be successfully be constructed, the cooperation has gathered capital 30 percent from the total investment. This showed their will and active involvement to realize their same dream, to escalate the economy and welfare through palm oil sector. (T2)